All of the seasons have one name, except for Fall. It's so special it gets two! So no matter whether you call it Fall or Autumn - it's a great time of year. Now, granted, in Houston, TX we get no "leaf peeping" or "crisp, cool air", but we do get a break from the heat. And, I find that if I venture out early in the morning I can pretend that I'm still back in Pennsylvania and it's a Fall afternoon!!!
This morning the breeze was great, so the weeone and I trekked out around 7:30 to head to a local produce market. If these sights look familiar it's because I blogged about this market about a year ago in Fruits and Flowers and Veggies, Oh my! We visit this market about once a month, but always find ourselves here when it's time to buy pumpkins! The back lots are full of vendors with pallet after pallet of pumpkins of every size, shape and color. We ended up with about 15-20 total. Yippee for pumpkins!
So, today we bought pumpkins and squash and strawberries and green onions and spinach and apples for bobbing and all sorts of other goodies. I love it here, but it's such a great experience for the weeone, too. She's at an age now that there are certain foods she'll ask if we can get, so I hand her some money and off she goes to negotiate with the's a math lesson sometimes, that's for sure!
So here's a few sights from the market and few sights from our prep for our Pumpkin Carving Party tomorrow. Fun, fun morning. Now for a nap!

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