I think I'll start having a 2 Post Tuesday every week....sounds like a fun idea to me! =)
I'm done with summer. It's true. I'm sick of it. I'm ready for the craziness that is the school year. And I'm not even a stay-at-home mom that's been with my kid all summer!!! Those of you who hang with them all day -day in and day out....bless you!!!
10 Reasons I'm Ready to for Summer to be Over
1. I'm ready for cooler weather!!! I don't want 30 degrees, but a nice 70 would put a smile on my face and a spring in my step!
2. I'm ready for the long daylight hours to start to fade. I'm not the best sleeper in the world. I mentioned to my friend
Staci that my sleep schedule was all messed up and she replied, "Do you HAVE a sleep schedule?" And she's right, I don't, but I have something that more closely resembles a sleep pattern when it gets dark earlier.
3. I want to use my oven more. I guess this technically goes along with the cooler temps, but I just want to make my menu for the week and not have to worry about it if a recipe uses the oven.
4. I love the smell of sharpened pencils. I do. I love everything about back-t0-school - the clothes shopping, the SHOE shopping, but most importantly, there are piles atop piles of shiny, new, pretty school supplies waiting to come live at my house. I love it. Ellen - are you with me??? I know you're a school supply junkie too!!!! Maybe we should form a club. Wait, I think we have one....no that's a happy hour support group...because you should support your friends when they want to have happy hour.
5. My hair color can't take the chlorine anymore!!! My hair dude is ready for my color to last and frankly, so am I!!! I don't have major hair color...I'm blessed to have not found a grey hair yet (I'm sure I will now that I've said that), but getting your hair colored is expensive and I want it to last as long as it can. Plus the chlorine makes my hair feel odd.
6. I read more during the school year. I don't know why this is and it's not like we don't read at ALL during the summer....just not as much. And for the record, the weeone and I are reading the first Harry Potter together right now...totally cool and fun thing to read with a 7 year old!!!
7. Friday Night Happy Hours. For the past 5 years or so my house has played host to more Friday evening happy hours than I can count. It's a family affair - bring a snack, I have hotdogs or something similar for the kids and we all just hang out and let the kids run until the collapse. The kids love it. The adults love it. I am ready for it....but again, it all comes down to needing cooler temperatures. I love every minute of these Friday nights and I'm already counting down to the first one...it'll be in September - I'll keep you posted in case you'd like to come!
8. I don't like sunscreen. Yes, yes, yes, I know that you should wear sunscreen year round and I do put it on my face every day, but I'm ready to be done with the cans of sport sunscreen spray and the sticky, icky face sticks and the whining of the weeone wanting it to be dry when she's just had it sprayed.
9. Television. Yep, I said it. You can all spear me now and tell me about all the fascinating things I could be doing while I'm wasting my brain on the drivel that is television. I don't care. I like it. I even like a few of those really guilty pleasure reality shows. And everyone knows that when the Fall TV schedules start.....ohhhhhhh....life is good. Can.Hardly.Wait. (As a secondary to this reason....I also get the great joy of watching football again...love, love, love it!)
10. I am a nerd. At heart, I am a geek. A total dweeb at the core, I love everything about school. So since I'm not in school, I live vicariously through the weeone. Oh, I'm sure there will posts in the fall where I complain to you about homework, but for months I'll adore it. I'll love watching the weeone figure it out, be creative, and be proud of herself when she feels she's succeeded. Yippee for school!!!!
There are 26 days until school starts....and then just around the corner will come Fall, that time of year that I miss during the other three seasons....I can't wait!