I was reading a blog today (Room 704) and decided to join Mrs. Flinger in her 30 Days of [blank] quest. Starting on August first, I will do something for 30 straight days. Now, if I were a sane and sensible person, I would workout for thirty days or only eat vegetables for thirty days or read a Bible for thirty days. Maybe I might even give up the computer or my iphone or sassy shoes for 30 straight days. But let's face it - I'm not sane and I'm certainly not sensible and over-my-dead-body am I giving up sassy shoes for 30 straight days (you might remember this little adventure and that I only got my sassy shoes back recently)!
I won't do anything illegal, immoral or just plain wrong for 30 days, no matter how tempting it is. Maybe I should drink enough water for 30 days or clean out a small corner of my house each day for 30 days. I dunno. Make my bed for 30 days? Keep up with the laundry for 30 days? Drink vodka for 30 days? Yep, so far that's the most likely. Play a game with the weeone each day for 30 days? Hmmmm....
I don't know what I'll do yet...I have a few days to decide, but over the course of 30 days I'll keep you posted on my 30 days of [blank]. You can join me if you'd like!
If you have suggestions for what I should do....let's hear 'em!
Hmmm...I'd suggest something to do with making different drinks, but that sounds awfully nefarious. I'll do 30 days of blog hopping. AND drinking ;)
30 days of blog hopping is great but what about yoga? Gallon of water per day? Both so good for you. OR just blog hopping with a side of red wine. LOL.
Becky...a drink a day is an interesting idea....since I do a little bit of food blogging it might interest those readers as well as expand the happy hour order of the mommies that read me!
JennyMac - no yoga for me...perhaps the water, to chase the cocktails??? =)
I am struggling with this one - for myself. The first thing that came to mind is "no junk food as a meal" for 30 days! I am bad about that about 1x a week!
ooooohh i like the no junk food, how about not eating out for a whole month? That would be challenging. What about not buying anything but necessities for a month, that would mean no lip gloss etc.. i think i'm going for taking a picture every day of something other than my kids, maybe my sweetie or myself?
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