
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer...she's having a blast!

Summer is a time of year that we LOVE in this house. The rush, rush, race pace of the school year comes to a grinding halt and a little more fun comes into our lives. Maybe it's the evenings at the pool, maybe it's the lack of homework, maybe it's the later bedtimes, but whatever it is - I like it!

The weeone has been spending her summer days at a GREAT activities Day Camp here in Houston called Kids Fun Camp. This is her 3rd summer there and she loves it. They go nonstop all summer long. The highlights this week on the schedule??? Dance Dance Revolution, Swimming, Mechanical Bull-Riding (yes, it's true!), Cotton Candy, Inflatable Water Slides and Swimming. I sort of wish I could go to Kids Fun Camp instead of work!!! KFC is where we met my awesome, wonderful, loveable babysitter, Melissa. She's a counselor at the camp and was with the group the weeone was in the 1st year. They're not together anymore, but nothing can keep these two apart!

Here's Melissa with the weeone on a waterslide day at camp this year. These 2 are like 2 peas in a pod. When they're together, it's best I just leave the house!

What else is great about summer? All those "it's a school night" rules get thrown out the window! For example, last Sunday evening the weeone and her friend, Little Mama (who you can find out more about on 3 Monkeys Jumping) decided they wanted to have a sleepover. Now, you've got to understand that Little Mama is a year younger than the weeone and we tried this about a year ago and around 9:30, Staci, Little Mama's mom, had to come retrieve her. This year the girls were certain it would be a success.

So, since it's summer....OF COURSE you can have a sleepover on a school night....there's no school!!!! It was a hit. Those of you who are on facebook helped me get through by enjoying a virtual glass of wine with me and laughing along!

Seriously, some of my fondest memories are of sleepovers as a kid. Night spent laughing, dancing and performing to our favorite albums, talking about our favorite things, talking about scary things. Sleepovers are what being a little girl is all about!!!

They watched High School Musical 2- with popcorn and everything -

We had some "spa treatments" with unlimited nail polish colors!

They refused to both look at the camera at the same time so I could capture this moment forever!

And my favorite part of the night happened around 9:10pm....silent, sleeping beauties.

Had they stayed up giggling any later, my glass of wine would have certainly turned into a bottle... =)


Anonymous said...

Just popping in to say hi!! I came across your blog from McMommy!! Your daughters adorable!!

AGirlintheSouth said...

Hey Kelly! Glad you stopped by. Only one of those sweet faces belongs to me - the other is the daughter of a good friend of mine. They are sweet and had so much fun!